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Mary’s articles explore ideas around research, strategy, governance, implementation and evaluation — and include useful tips for people in the industry.


Transforming the talk-fest: 5 ways to make workshops count

Effective workshops are those where skilled facilitators guide meaningful discussions, clear outcomes are set, and the right mix of knowledgeable participants is engaged.


In tune with change: A new chapter for MHC

We know the importance of evolving to keep at the forefront of a dynamic public sector landscape. To this end, we're excited to unveil a revitalisation of Mary Haines Consulting.

How to run an effective meeting to achieve positive outcomes

The problem isn't having too many meetings, but rather having poorly-structured ones. By focusing on clear objectives, selecting the right attendees, and encouraging meaningful contributions, meetings can be transformed into effective tools for decision-making and problem-solving.

Good governance a steel rod in a crisis

Strong governance is not just an invisible glue but a steel rod that provides essential stability, especially in times of crisis. Investing in effective governance systems is the best insurance policy for tackling future challenges, as exemplified by the rapid and effective COVID-19 response enabled by robust governance structures.

‘Implementation handover’ from research to policy – a key success factor to drive change

The success of translating research into policy and practice hinges on planning an "implementation handover" from the start. This approach has proven effective in driving meaningful changes, as evidenced by the high implementation rate of projects funded under the NSW Health's Translation Research grant scheme.

Can you work for the public good outside the public service?

Public sector consulting can contribute to the public good when it aligns with government values and focuses on building capabilities within the public service. The consultancy should deliver innovative solutions but also leave the government better equipped to continue the work.

Your strategy – does it constrain or enable implementation success?

The key to organisational success lies in having a clear, focused purpose and streamlined strategic initiatives, while effectively managing stakeholder pressures and balancing innovation.

Governance – the bedrock of implementation success

Effective governance is the cornerstone of successful policy and program implementation. Clear lines of accountability and engaged committee members are essential for turning well-designed plans into impactful outcomes.

Inclusion and Implementation: just like Batman and Robin!

Inclusive practices are integral to successful policy implementation. By involving all stakeholders, from community members to experts, in both policy development and execution, outcomes are more likely to benefit systems and communities.