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NSW Ministry of Health, Office for Health and Medical Research

Procured through: NSW Government Performance and Management Services Scheme
Project date: 2019

Project: Review of a research funding scheme

The Office for Health and Medical Research, NSW Health engaged MHC to assist with conducting an implementation review of the Translational Research Grants Scheme. This involved a review of research projects in the scheme, to assess their implementation readiness and any policy and practice impacts arising from the research.

What MHC Did

  • Review research strategy and grant schemes
  • Research impact
  • Translate research
  • Review structures and operational processes
  • Advise on future directions and improvements for the grant scheme
  • Engage and consult with your stakeholders (including facilitating workshops)


This review demonstrated the success of the program and was presented to all NSW Health Chief Executives to inform discussion about how to improve the scheme and is available on the NSW Health website.

A key finding from this project was how an ‘implementation handover‘ can ensure research is translated through to policy and practice.

Related Projects

MHC was engaged to support the Department of Education develop its first research strategy.

NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), formerly the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, engaged MHC to work alongside them in an MHC-Client joint team to develop a research strategy. MHC managed the process to develop the strategy, co-designed its components, co-led the consultations and co-led the process to set priorities.

Led by Mary Haines, MHC co-designed and operationalised a governance and management framework and established a Project Management Office to support the NSW Health COVID-19 Research Program.