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Projects Associated

MHC was engaged by the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ, previously Department of Family and Community Services) to support the large-scale complex evaluation of the Future Directions program.

In 2017 MHC developed a commissioning strategy and implementation plan for the evaluation. In 2019 MHC established and embedded an approach to evaluation governance and management including providing quality assurance for the Future Directions evaluation. Up to 2023 MHC has provided advice to FACSIAR the evaluation.

NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ; formerly the NSW Department of Family and Community Services) engaged MHC to conduct a targeted rapid environmental scan of government human services performance monitoring frameworks. The scan combined analysis of current national and international monitoring frameworks, and a rapid review of the peer reviewed literature.

NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), formerly the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, engaged MHC to work alongside them in an MHC-Client joint team to develop a research strategy. MHC managed the process to develop the strategy, co-designed its components, co-led the consultations and co-led the process to set priorities.