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MHC was engaged by Transport for NSW (Transport) to write an independent outcomes report from the high profile 2024 NSW Road Safety Forum (Forum). The NSW Road Safety Forum provided an open and collaborative platform to discuss successful ways to reduce road trauma and new opportunities to improve road safety.

MHC was engaged by Transport for NSW to support the Centre for Road Safety to develop and implement a state-wide road safety action plan.

Led by Mary Haines, MHC co-designed and operationalised a governance and management framework and established a Project Management Office to support the NSW Health COVID-19 Research Program.

MHC was engaged by the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ, previously Department of Family and Community Services) to support the large-scale complex evaluation of the Future Directions program.

In 2017 MHC developed a commissioning strategy and implementation plan for the evaluation. In 2019 MHC established and embedded an approach to evaluation governance and management including providing quality assurance for the Future Directions evaluation. Up to 2023 MHC has provided advice to FACSIAR the evaluation.

MHC facilitated an expert roundtable to identify the best solutions to Australia’s cholesterol problem.

MHC was engaged by the Centre for Population Health to provide implementation support for strategy, policy and program development.

MHC designed a new organisation-wide operating model for the Bureau of Health Information (NSW Government), to support the patient survey program to be implemented by the Chief Executive and executive management team.

A new strategy for the UNSW School of Population Health was developed through the MHC process to design strategies, including environmental scanning and extensive consultation.

MHC designed this framework, approved by the NSW Chief Health Officer and endorsed by all NSW Health Chief Executives, which is now considered a leading example for other states to follow.

MHC facilitated a workshop with a high-level advisory board focused on mentally healthy workplaces.

MHC facilitated a board strategic planning day for the peak body for kidney health in Australia, in 2023 and 2024. 

MHC was engaged by the Faculty of Science, to support the development of their strategic plan for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ; formerly the NSW Department of Family and Community Services) engaged MHC to conduct a targeted rapid environmental scan of government human services performance monitoring frameworks. The scan combined analysis of current national and international monitoring frameworks, and a rapid review of the peer reviewed literature.

MHC was engaged to develop a strategy model for clinical trials at the St Vincent’s Integrated Health Campus in Sydney, through stakeholder consultation and expert advice.

MHC was engaged by Transport for NSW to support the development of a strategic plan for a governance body to guide their work from 2021-2030.

MHC worked with the Governing Council and Executive of this NHMRC Academic Health Research and Translation Centre on a strategic scoping exercise.

MHC facilitated a strategy day for the College Education Committee.

The design of an internal directory for the Office for Health and Medical Research within NSW Health.

MHC facilitated a strategic planning day to develop a new three-year plan for the Westmead Applied Research Centre that specialises in cardiometabolic and chronic conditions.

MHC facilitated a high-level Policy and Advocacy Strategic Plan Consultation Workshop attended by the College Policy and Advocacy Council.

A new strategy for the UNSW School of Biotechnological and Biomolecular Sciences was developed through the MHC process to design strategies, including environmental scanning and extensive consultation.

MHC supported the development of a strategic plan for the Nursing Research Institute (NRI) for St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and Australian Catholic University.