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Blending public sector know-how with intellectual rigour to help our clients deliver for the public good.


Smart public sector solutions with real-world application and impact.


Let us help you ignite your ideas, so you succeed.


Smart public sector solutions with real-world application and impact.


Blending public sector know-how with intellectual rigour to help our clients deliver for the public good.


Let us help you ignite your ideas, so you succeed.

MH Consulting Group Services

Research Strategy and Review
  • Set research priorities
  • Design research strategy or grant schemes
  • Review research strategy and grant schemes
  • Research impact
  • Manage grant funding schemes
  • Translate research
  • Review structures and operational processes
  • Design and review evaluation priorities, strategy and commission approaches.
  • Design evaluation frameworks and plans
  • Conduct evaluations.
  • Communicate and translate evaluation
  • Results
Strategy and Programs
  • Reviews
  • Governance
  • Design and plan strategy and programs
  • Environmental scans and literature reviews
  • Stakeholder consultation
  • Communications, stakeholder engagement and implementation plans
  • Reporting and monitoring
  • Implementation capacity, planning, support, project management
  • Facilitation

Our government, university and NGO clients

MH Consulting Group is a prequalified supplier to the Australian and NSW Governments

August 30, 2024

Transforming the talk-fest: 5 ways to make workshops count

October 18, 2023

In tune with change: A new chapter for MHC